SELECT DISTINCT shop_view_active_item.*
FROM shop_item_has_category
INNER JOIN shop_view_active_item ON ( = AND
shop_view_active_item.shop_code = shop_item_has_category.shop_code AND
shop_view_active_item.language_code = shop_item_has_category.language_code AND
shop_item_has_category.item_no = shop_view_active_item.item_no
WHERE (shop_item_has_category.category_line_no = 20000 OR shop_item_has_category.category_line_no = 20000 )
AND shop_view_active_item.language_code = 'ENU'
AND shop_view_active_item.shop_code = 'B2B'
AND shop_item_has_category.shop_code = 'B2B'
AND shop_item_has_category.language_code = 'ENU'
AND shop_item_has_category.category_shop_code = 'B2B'
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